After becoming quite unwell in 2011 my life took a sharp turn and I was plunged into the creative world, not by choice, but out of a necessity to survive. Unable to walk or function much at all I kept myself busy with crafts and cardmaking.. I wanted to accomplish something, when my body was failing me. My experience with postural orthostatic tachycardia syndrome (POTS) has been a rough ride... but through it all I have remained positive. I regret nothing. My lived experience has given me two beautiful children, a husband I adore and it has led me to a passion for art. It’s no lie to say I live, breathe and dream of art.I have experience in a range of media, although I have my own particular preferences that I keep coming back to. If my style speaks to you, I’d love to work with you in the future. Please be in touch to find out more and to discuss how we can collaborate on whatever you have in mind.

I like to refer to myself as the "accidental artist" because I never set out with the goal of making money from my art, it just happened. I was experiementing with soft pastels and pencils in my free time and uploaded a few of my completed pieces to facebook. I then got requests from friends, family and even strangers to draw their pets for them! It really just took off suddenly.. I truly feel this is what I am meant to be doing with my time, I love making people happy with what I create. I don't believe there is a better job than mine. I love what I do and I think that passion and positivity shines through in all areas of my life!
I am lucky enough to have a large art studio I can fill with art tools and materials. I work from the studio 3 days a week, when my 5 year-old attends Kindergarten. I generally draw for 8+ hours on my "work" days and usually some of the weekends. I love to draw and adore animals, so combining these two loves just works effortlessly.